Your URL, your code, your control

Expand your professional network with our dynamic vCard QR code generator

Create your dynamic vCard QR code with mobiQode and transfer contact information with a single scan. Update or modify details anytime without reprinting or redistribution.

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vCard QR code for every use case

Personal branding

Incorporate vCard QR codes in personal branding materials so your clients can instantly access your website or portfolio.

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Membership cards

Issue membership cards with QR codes to streamline member registration.

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Customer support

Integrate QR codes into support materials so customers can contact the support team directly.

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Visiting cards

Create QR codes for business cards, making it easier for people to add your contact information to their phones quickly.

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Instantly exchange contact information with other professionals at networking events.

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How to create a vCard QR code with mobiQode?

Create a vCard QR code for your virtual business card in under 2 minutes


Step 01 - Input

Enter your name and contact information (work, mobile, email). Optionally, you can include company details, address, and website URL.


Step 02 - Personalize

Choose from the various professionally designed templates or customize the vCard QR code with your brand's logo and colors.


Step 03 - download

Test the QR code and download it to start networking. Update the dynamic QR codes anytime without needing to reprint them.


How does a vCard QR code generator work?

mobiQode’s QR Code vCard generator converts contact details into scannable QR codes, providing access to your digital business card. Share your vCard QR code through business cards or emails and distribute contact information instantly.

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A closer look at the features of our vCard QR Code generator

Fully customizable

Tailor your vCard QR codes to align with your brand identity by incorporating logos, colors, and other custom elements.

Multi-URL landing pages

Build custom landing pages with multiple URLs and share your contact information, website, LinkedIn, portfolios, and more with a single QR code.

Quick generation

Generate vCard QR codes in less than 2 minutes, ensuring swift networking through digital business cards.

GDPR compliant

Rest assured that our vCard generator complies with GDPR standards. We prioritize data privacy and security for you and your contacts.

Easy-to-use UI

Navigate through our user-friendly interface, simplifying the process of creating custom vCard QR codes.

Zero ads

People in your network will never be bothered by ads when they try to access your vCard anytime.

Generate your dynamic vCard QR code in minutes

Take a 14-day trial, no credit card necessary. Upgrade at your convenience.


From Curiosity to Clarity, Stay Confident

A vCard QR code stores contact information digitally. It is convenient to share contact details in a compact, scannable format.

vCard QR codes include comprehensive contact information about the individual or a business/organization. When scanned using a QR code reader or a smartphone camera, the contact information can be directly saved into the user's device, enabling seamless contact exchange and networking.

A vCard QR Code can store a wide range of contact details, including but not limited to:

  • Name (First name, Last name)
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Website URL
  • Address
  • Social media profiles (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)

vCard QR Codes come in two primary types: static and dynamic.

  • Static vCard QR codes: Static QR codes contain fixed contact information that cannot be changed once the QR code is generated.
  • Dynamic vCard QR codes: Dynamic QR codes can be changed, offering greater flexibility and versatility. Users can update and modify the encoded contact details even after the QR code has been generated and distributed.

The key distinction between static and dynamic vCard QR Codes lies in their ability to be updated and modified:

Static QR codes contain fixed contact information that cannot be changed once the QR code is generated. While static QR codes offer simplicity and stability, any updates or revisions to the encoded information would require generating a new QR code.

On the other hand, dynamic QR codes offer the flexibility to update and modify the encoded contact details even after the QR code has been created and distributed. Users can change the QR code for contact info via a centralized dashboard or platform, eliminating the need for reprinting or redistributing QR codes. The flexibility makes dynamic QR codes ideal for scenarios where contact details may undergo frequent changes, ensuring that recipients always have access to the most up-to-date information.

vCard QR Codes offer several compelling benefits for individuals and businesses alike:


vCard QR Codes provide a convenient and efficient method for sharing contact information digitally, eliminating the need for manual entry or exchanging physical business cards. Recipients can quickly and easily capture contact details by scanning the QR code with their smartphone or QR code reader, streamlining the process of contact exchange and networking.


By scanning a vCard QR Code, recipients can directly import contact details into their address books or contact management apps, reducing the risk of transcription errors or inaccuracies. It ensures that contact information is captured and stored accurately, fostering effective communication and relationship management.


vCard QR Codes can be used across various applications and platforms, including business cards, websites, email signatures, social media profiles, marketing materials, and more. They offer a versatile and adaptable solution for sharing contact information in both digital and physical contexts, catering to diverse communication needs and preferences.


Incorporating vCard QR Codes into your communication and networking strategies demonstrates technological proficiency and modernizes your approach to contact exchange. It showcases a commitment to efficiency, convenience, and innovation, enhancing your professional image and credibility in the eyes of clients, partners, and peers.

Using a mobiQode’s QR code vCard generator is a straightforward process that involves the following steps:

  • Input contact information Enter the relevant contact details into the vCard QR Code generator. It includes information such as name, job title, company name, phone number, email address, website URL, and any additional details you wish to include.
  • Customize appearance Depending on the QR code generator you're using, you may have the option to customize the appearance of the QR code to align with your personal or professional branding. It can include adding a logo, selecting colors, and adjusting the size and shape of the QR code.
  • Generate QR code After entering the contact information and customizing the appearance to your satisfaction, proceed to generate the QR code. The toolwill encode the information into a scannable QR code format, which you can then download or save in a suitable format (such as PNG or SVG).
  • Use the QR code After generating the QR code, incorporate it into your desired materials or platforms. It can include adding it to business cards, printing it on marketing materials, including it in email signatures, or embedding it on your website or social media profiles. Ensure that the QR code is prominently displayed and easily accessible to recipients for scanning.

Before creating and printing your vCard QR Code, consider the following factors to ensure optimal results and usability:


Double-check all contact details entered into mobiQode’s QR code generator to ensure they are accurate, up-to-date, and error-free. Any inaccuracies or discrepancies could lead to communication issues or missed opportunities.

Design considerations

Pay attention to the design and placement of the QR code to maximize visibility, scannability, and aesthetic appeal. Choose a QR code size and placement that balances prominence with integration into your materials, ensuring it's easily noticeable and accessible to recipients.

Usage scenarios

Determine where and how you intend to use the vCard QR Code, considering the context, audience, and objectives of your communication efforts. Tailor the design and placement of the QR code to suit the specific usage scenarios and platforms where it will be deployed, optimizing its effectiveness and impact.

Testing and quality assurance

Before finalizing and printing the QR code, conduct thorough testing to ensure its functionality and compatibility across different devices, operating systems, and QR code readers. Test the QR code under various conditions and environments to identify any potential issues or limitations that must be addressed before distribution. Additionally, solicit feedback from colleagues, friends, or test users to gauge their experience and identify areas for improvement.