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QR code Examples and 10 ways to use QR codes in Business

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QR codes allow businesses to enhance customer experience and promote their products. For instance, IKEA customers can scan the QR codes on products they are buying through the company’s mobile app for quick checkouts without waiting in line. 

Let’s take a look at some QR code examples and how businesses use them.

What is a QR code?

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode you can scan with your smartphone or a QR code reader. Compared to a traditional barcode, it can store vast data. Invented by a Japanese company, Denso Wave, in 1994, QR codes were first used to track vehicles during manufacturing. Now, these codes are often used in stores, advertisements, and even on restaurant menus to access information more quickly.

Top QR code examples

1. Bus stops and train stations

QR codes are used at major bus stops and train stations for multiple purposes, from ticketing to inventory tracking. For instance, New York City is improving subway and bus accessibility with colorful QR codes to help visually impaired and non-English speaking commuters. 

QR codes also improve transportation safety by offering real-time train updates and safety details at bus stops, making travel safer and more convenient. 


2.Packaged foods

Many food product companies put interesting QR codes on their products, enabling consumers to access a wide range of information, including: 

  • Nutritional facts (calories, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates)
  • Ingredient lists
  • Allergen information
  • Dietary certifications (gluten-free, farm-raised, organic, non-GMO)
  • Expiration dates
  • Recipes and serving suggestions
  • Product origin and sourcing information
  • Manufacturer Details
  • Promotions, discounts, and special offers (if there are any)

This is a good example of a QR code call-to-action because it encourages consumer engagement by offering immediate benefits or incentives for scanning the code. It also motivates consumers to engage with the brand, learn more about the product, and purchase.

QR codes for CPG goods


3. Modern Grocery Chains

QR codes enhance shopping by eliminating traditional checkouts at grocery stores like Amazon Go. Customers can use the store’s app to scan a QR code upon entry and then scan items to add them to their virtual cart.

When finished, they leave the store, and their account is automatically charged for the items bought. It eliminates the need to wait in line at a traditional checkout counter, reducing hassles. Additionally, QR codes provide consumers with detailed product information, helping them make more informed purchasing decisions.

QR codes for Grocery-Retail

Source: Unsplash

4. E-Learning

Teachers can use QR codes to share reading materials and resources with students. They can project QR codes on the board or print them for student tables, making it easy for all students to stay on task and view the right materials within seconds.

Students can quickly access e-books, PDFs, research folders, study guides, and online databases by scanning the QR code with their smartphones or tablets. 

Recently, QR codes have also been used on children’s books to make Braille accessible to non-English-speaking families. 

QR codes for e-learning


5. Payment methods

Quick and easy payments are one of the most significant use cases of QR codes. You can quickly connect a QR code to your preferred payment method to make or accept payments. Paying through QR codes is simple, and transactions are quick and safe. With QR codes, your phone is essentially your wallet.


6. Restaurants and cafes

Restaurants and cafes use menu QR codes to enhance their customers’ dining experience. Scanning the QR code on a restaurant table lets you view detailed menu items, discover promotions, make reservations, and place orders. This modern approach is also an example of QR code advertising, where businesses use digital codes to engage customers and improve service efficiency.

QR codes for restaurant Menu


7. Art

QR codes can enhance artwork and graffiti by providing an interactive experience for viewers. 

Street artists can use QR codes to create visually striking and interactive street art. They can also use these QR codes on their social media pages to provide their followers with an immersive behind-the-scenes experience or an exclusive interview about how they developed and approached a painting. 

QR codes for Art gallery

(Source: Pinterest)

8. Events

QR codes for Event Planning : Event planners can use interesting QR codes instead of name tags when planning an event. Attendees can include some tidbits about themselves, which will be encoded into individual QR codes. The interactive approach will improve the overall experience and give attendees a unique way to share and learn about each other before the event begins.

Use of QR code in an Event Planning

(Source: Pinterest)

9. Jewellery Shops

Jewellery shops can use QR codes on flyers, posters, or cards to up their marketing game. A quick scan can help customers:

  • Learn about exclusive discounts
  • Join loyalty programs
  • Watch jewelry care tip videos
  • Share feedback
  • Pre-order limited editions and customized pieces

These QR codes can also be used on receipts and tags to link directly to a brand’s social media profiles, eliminating the hassle of manual searching.

QR codes in Jewellery shop

(Source: Pinterest)

10. Bookstores

QR codes are revolutionizing bookstores and libraries, offering both physical and digital experiences. By scanning sample QR codes near books, readers can access a treasure trove of content from author interviews to future releases. Through these QR codes, libraries, and bookstores can offer personalized recommendations, instant access to catalogs, and much more. 

Using a QR code at bookstores is a win-win situation for store owners and customers. By analyzing QR code scans, bookstores gain valuable insights into user preferences, which can be used to create a more personalized experience for their customers.

QR code in a library

(Source: Pinterest)

The time to embrace the QR codes is now

QR codes are now used in many ways across industries. As they evolve, businesses integrate them into their digital campaigns innovatively. From interactive graffiti to online catalogs and transportation guides to preferred payment methods, QR codes are no longer just functional; they have become a canvas for creativity and marketing.

For businesses looking to leverage the power of QR codes, mobiQode’s QR code generator is a great tool. It helps create custom codes that boost brand visibility and engage customers. Sign up for a 14-day trial and discover how our QR codes can elevate your campaigns. 

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